Once again, I am very glad that I chose the Edurati Review as my blog to follow. It continues to offer up a number of intriguing posts. Recently, there was a very informative posting titled “10 Education Warning Signs that Somebody Needs to Heed as this Next Decade Unfolds.” The posting met a number of my Criteria for a Successful Blog, including lists, links, and an interesting subject.
The main gist of this posting was that in the coming decade, the American education system will face a number of major challenges that will most likely necessitate drastic changes. One of the most troubling changes is that, due to an increasing number of retiring teachers, we will need to add an additional 3 million teachers by the year 2020. This would be the largest number of teachers retiring since the 1940’s.
In addition to the large number of retiring teachers, K-12 public school enrollment will increase by about 4.5 million students in the next 7 years. The increasing number of students is only part of the problem. Due to aging infrastructure and years of neglect, the article mentions that over $322 billion dollars will need to be spent on school improvements.
All of these statistics paint a scary picture for prospective teachers such as myself. Unless there are drastic changes in funding, I will most likely be entering a profession reeling from budget cuts, retirements, crumbling buildings, and low pay with long hours.
Yikes! Very interesting post. Our schools need a lot of attention now because children do not get a second chance at their education, and we need to attract and retain good teachers (like you!).